Saturday, December 7, 2013

New House!

That's what my toddler says when we pull up outside after being out for the day. "New House!" I had shown her the pictures on my phone so often, usually because I was showing someone else and they were always queued up. She still calls it New House. I wonder if she will remember that.

At any rate, wow, moving sucks. I do embrace change, obviously I do, I have moved a few times in my life. I used to love it in my 20s, abandoning cities for other cities and relishing finding my way around a new place. But all the while, I do remember the crippling anxiety I would get. Many a wasted afternoon under the duvet, just 'resting' while I take a break from the overhwelming list of tasks and physical effort required. So for this move, I just decided not to eat at all that day, and I threw up anyway. Felt a bit better after that. Moving sucks.

My bestie came to the rescue by flying in with her daughter, who is my daughter's most favorite person in the universe, even though they are 5-6 years apart in age. If I even glance at my phone she calls, nay screams, for me to show her - MIA MIA MIA. So them showing up approximately 5 minutes after the movers was such a sweet comfort. They went to the library, and out to eat, and came back just as we were finishing up.

Still, the whole thing was so surreal. A lot of my moves are like this. You plan for the thing, book the tickets or the movers, sign the lease or the mortgage or what have you, and then when you end up at the place you are still totally fucking shocked that you did it. Driving around with baby I feel like I would be returning to my comfortable little apartment. But I'm not. I pull up to the NEW HOUSE which is big and brick and has arched windows and a basement and a second floor and I have keys to the door and apparently they let people like us own property. I still don't quite believe it.

Motoboy is totally into DIY home improvement and is forever asking my opinions on cabinetry and basement reconfiguration, and window rehab and all I can do is just keep agreeing with him. I see nothing wrong with anything he is proposing. I'm not sure if he wants to have a debate about it? I wish he would preface his topics of rehab with, this is something we are going to have to do this week, this is something we should do this year, or this is something I'd like to do in the next 5 years --  because I can't process it all. He's excited and has energy though so I am going to let him keep going. All I really want to do is nap though. I have bursts here and there of can-do attitude but mostly I am still tired from the move, tired from being sick, and still suffering from some nasal congestion that may or not be related to the sanding and varnishing of the floors that happened just days before we moved. Its hard to be as 'on' like him when I have a constant headache and boogery nose.

We will get there. I bought an air purifier that makes me feel better. Things will be done by the time we have our holiday cocktail housewarming party just before Christmas. Its good to have a goal. Also, the TV is hooked up, the fake fireplace works, and the tree will be up this weekend. I will have a sanctuary from all the DIY. Tell husband, shhhhh. My show is on. Make me another hot whiskey.