Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer of Love, Road Trip Style

Oh hello blogonets. I guess I must have had a two month gig eh? Sigh. It was a good gig, a bit weird because it was a new agency (to me) but I think I did a good job, got the project out on time and on budget, and everyone had smiles and hugs so it couldn't have gone that bad. When the crochety old lady who was threatened by you on the first day gives you a big-busted squeeze on your last day, then maybe you did ok turning them around.

I was really missing my baby time though so having a break now was A-ok with me. First it was a holiday week (FOURTH of July), so motoboy was home from work too for half the week, and then we had his mom in for a week (which was only a little challenging - we are close friends but she also is exhausting with the talking), and then I left for Ohio for a week.

Me and baby on solo road trip down the road to o-HI-o! Oh I was a bit nervous about the drive. Because sometimes when I have a road trip to do I wake up that morning and I'm all jangled nerves and funny tummy and tired and anxious and I don't feel like going (maybe hungover, c.f. all of my 20s and early 30s). But this was the first morning I had been alone with baby in weeks. And the car was packed from the night before, I had a good rest, an ipod full of jams and podcasts, and a sweet little silver car with great air conditioning. No more hungover trips in old jalopys. Growing up can be a nice thing.

I was so proud of myself for finding the little snacky cup thing that toddlers can eat out of. That occupied her all the way through Chicago traffic. She doesn't really nap unless I am hitting 30 RPMs (is that what the 3 means?) so I knew I needed something. She had her water sippy there too, and we were listening to good music, and then I start picking up speed after the Skyway and we're in Gary and BLERG. She throws up all over herself in the back. I'm watching her to make sure she's not choking and watching this road with its narrow fast lanes. Shit. And I'm in Gary, IN. Which smells like sewage and coal and is only famous for casinos and the airport that once had a Hooters airline. I'd really rather get on the tollway and hit a nice rest stop. I tell her so and we continue on, since she doesn't seem at all bothered. Except one of her hands is in the air because she is contemplating the puke on it. When we finally get a toll ticket to enter 80/90 I look back and...she's asleep. Just sleeping there, with the aroma of thrown up pomegranate happy puffs all around. And I make the executive mama decision to let her take this sleep. And then we will have the clean up at a proper rest stop.

So when we stop I have to take all of her clothes off. I consider putting them in the trunk but we've just started this journey and there's another 4-5 hours to go. I throw them in the bin. I put the naked baby in the front seat to play around and use about 20-30 wet wipes to clean the car seat out as best as I can. Walking through the rest stop with a naked (diapered) baby felt very Indiana to me, but she had no idea and was still smiling and charming her way through everything. People often smile at her when I can't see her face because she's flashing dimples left and right.

The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. I had to give her fast food chicken nuggets for lunch. But I realize I like sharing kids meals with her (I'll take the drink and whatever she doesn't eat). I had a cooler of babas on the passeger seat and all the toys and books I was bringing for the week. So I could hand her a book or a toy, and at the appropriate hours something even better (BABAS ROCK). A's rule of thumb to stop every 2 hours no matter what for freshening up was spot on. We got into Cleveland to see a delighted family and had a great few days there. I think this baby has single handedly made my entire family happier and easier to be around. She's like an angel from heaven to save us from our cynical dark selves. And then the two hours to Columbus seemed like a breeze. Had a blast with my bestie and her two girls and husband who ADORE Aoife, and motoboy joined us with Elsa, and he raced and we cheered him on and I drank white wine on a suburban patio and watched my daughter play in a sprinkler. Does summer get any better?

The ride back up 30 through Ohio was so pretty to start with. And then in Indiana its just eye crossingly boring. So boring? I wish we could just 'hide' Indiana like you can in an excel spreadsheet and then it would be easier to get to Ohio whenever I want. Oh well. Some things you have to work for and then they are all the better earned when you get there.

Next up, solo flying with baby - and yes I was too cheap to buy her a seat! Good thing she just entered her clingy phase. I might be able to keep her on my lap if I only play photos of her dada on my ipad. Seems to be all she wants to do right now. When there are no other little 'cousins' to play with. A week in Maine, why yes thank you! I will be celebrating my Bday with dear A, and can't wait for our wee ones to all be in the same room together. (Also the going out on the town, and the birthday dinner, and the pool and the chickens and the beautiful Maine stuff.)