Monday, August 20, 2012

Leaps and Bounds

Since I'm still playing the role of a SAHM (that's 50's housewife for you not into acronyms), I can only speak baby baby baby. So let me tell you what baby has done since I last checked in:

*Rolling to her side, almost over all the way (will go and even prep herself for landing if you gently lead her by the arm)
*Leans her head forward to sit up
*Can tripod herself in a sitting position with some help
*Took her first airplane trip to VA to see her grandparents and great grandparents

Things Mama has done:
*Gone out for cocktails (at least 2-3 times)
*Had a house party in which baby stayed up all night (oh well)
*Started a new writing project (TV script, possibly)
*Looked around for freelance work (not in a panic)

And I actually do have a meeting Wednesday to talk to some people at an agency that is new to me (one that Motoboy used to work at, actually) about some part time freelance work. Which is quite compelling to me. Might be a nice way to ease myself back into it until the end of the year. IF they can pay my day rate. If its much less than that, the price won't be worth the nanny rates in Chicago. And its not like I like working that much. But I do need to do something. Am bored, I (guiltily) have to admit.

The smartest thing I have done, since baby was big enough for it to make sense, was to get a babysitter once a week, just for three hours. I can survive any kind of week if I know that I can get a break to run some errands, stop for a coffee, or just go write for a few hours. The babysitters - two - I have used are great and I don't have to worry about my little punkin at all. Best $40 you can spend.

Now finding a nanny for when I go back to work might be a whole different story. If my friend can't nanny or has another work conflict I will have to interview strangers. So many stories of lazy nannies being spotted at the park. Just this morning I saw one getting a toddler out of a stroller with one hand because she was on the phone with her other. The toddler managed to swing out of it while being held up with one arm, but I have a feeling a mom wouldn't do that. It's a scary thing to leave your kids with people who just might not think they are the most amazing creatures that were ever born. And impossible to know how the day really will go. Trust is all you have, or not?

But we will cross that bridge when someone actually offers me some work, and tells me when it will start. In the meantime, how about a nice roast for dinner honey? More scotch? Wait. Those 50s housewives weren't spending their own money either. Modern life is still hard, plus, expensive.


*pic is of Elizabeth "Betty" Robinson, winner of the first Olympic 100m for women for USA.

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