Tuesday, April 9, 2013

SAHM Again

Well, I did a good six month's stint there back at ye olde mothership. I was grateful for every renewal but I was starting to feel a bit too distanced. Especially after working one whole week and then going on my very first girl's weekend since bebe arrived, and then having to come home at 2am and go right back to work again. That was some freakin bull. I was a bit surprised to learn my gig was ending the next Tuesday at 4.30pm (even though I was really only booked through the end of that day), and then again, I needed some baby cuddle times STAT. And better to learn that your gig is over at the end of the day, so that you don't spend all day fretting and panicking trying to wrap up as much things as possible. Which is impossible anyway!

So here I sit, looking at airbnb options for our trip to Seattle next month, recovering from baby's first birthday party (keggers and Italian beef FTW!) and I am ok with being a stay at home mom for a wee while. Now, just to figure out how to get out of the house for a spell...

But the trip was good - I have to admit I had an undercurrent of anxiety the first few nights. I would wake up in the middle of the night just feeling sort of insecure. Is this some weird biological instinct that is implanted when mothers leave their babies, or am I some sort of big baby myself for being away from her? By the third day I was feeling better, missing her, but enjoying being able to explore Sonoma freely and relaxing with my lady friends. Unfortunately I got some major intestinal troubles the last night there (what, chicken wing and white wine dinner?) and had a very long day with the drive back to the city, the killing time over lunch and airport, and delayed flights and oooooh so sleepy from tummy waking me up before dawn. I tried to sleep as much as I could on the plane because I knew we weren't landing till after 1am and I had to work in the morning. I muddled on through, not knowing I would have the rest of the week off after Tuesday. If you can count having your in-laws in your house every day having the week off. They were great but definitely not quiet. 

Now I have everything. Quiet. Baby. One check still coming in. Shhhhh.

(But I need to work before my awesome nanny finds a new job. Damnit.)